


Copyright is the foundation that encourages creators to keep creating

The role of copyright in fostering continued innovation and artistic expression.

Like patents and trademarks, copyright is a type of intellectual property protection. Producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings, as well as authors of literary, dramatic, musical, and creative works, are granted legal rights known as copyrights. The owner of the work has specific protections thanks to copyright, which guarantees that the creative work is valued and safeguarded. A variety of rights are included in copyright, including the rights to translation, adaptation, public communication, and reproduction.

Crucial Details About Copyright

Why we need to register copyright?
What is the use of the copyright registration?
What kind of copyright protection do we get?
What are performer's rights?
Can I copyright a film or sound recording?

Copyright recognises the exclusive rights of the creator over an original work. Music, books, manuscripts, software, films, fashion designs, even brochures and training manuals all enjoy copyright protection, even without registration. Basically, the moment you create an original work, you are its exclusive owner. However, in the commercial world, the reason why artists, publishers and corporates still bother to register the copyright on their work is that it's the only way to approach the courts in case of a dispute.

The copyright registrar's primary function is that of an office of record, where copyright-related documents are kept and claims to copyright are registered. The office provides information on the copyright law's provisions and registration procedures, explains the copyright office's activities and procedures, and reports facts from its public records.

Without the author needing to take any action, copyright protection is automatically established the minute the work is fixed in a tangible form (for example, when a writer writes her novel). In essence, registering your work with the copyright office's registrar is an insurance policy for copyright protection. It makes the material publicly available, and you can subsequently file a copyright infringement lawsuit against anyone. Additionally, this registration is only considered prima facie if it is completed within five years of the work's production. Postponing registration until someone really steals your work isn't an option.

Any listener could reduce the lecture or story to material form by writing it down. It is also possible to record music on tape. So, do the people who initially turned the performance into a tangible form end up owning the copyright on the tale, lecture, dramatic performance, or music? This is untrue, as each performer of this act has been granted specific rights, also known as performer's rights. In this sense, a performer can be an actor, singer, musician, dancer, acrobat, juggler, conjurer, lecturer, or anybody else who puts on a show.

Obtaining a NoC from each individual engaged in the creation of a video, film, or audio recording track is advised if you wish to copyright it. This will shield you from any later objections from them. Following the most recent Supreme Court rulings on sound recording and cinematography copyright registration, this has become essential.

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